
The yarn-driven farm from the book “Crochet a Farm” needs a dynamite team of farmers to keep things running smoothly. These farmers are highly customizable, so feel free to add lots of details (such as unique hairstyles and fun clothing-color combinations) to make a farmer of your very own!

Crochet a Farm Cover

Yarns: All yarns are DK weight except for hair color
A Approx 30 yds in skin color
B Approx 30 yds in overalls color
C Approx 30 yds in shirt color
D Approx 20 yds in dark brown
E Approx 15 yds in light brown
Approx 5 yds in yellow
Approx 5 yds in black
MC Approx 40 yds of DK, worsted, or bulky yarn in hair color (depending on desired hairstyle)

Size E-4 (3.5 mm) crochet hook
7 mm or 9 mm black plastic eyes with safety backings
Small piece of craft felt to match overalls color
Sewing needle and thread to match felt
Tapestry needle
Stitch markers to indicate beginning of rounds

MK Crochet and Knits